Living in Northeast Ohio has its share of challenges, and recent events have brought this into sharp focus. The tragic murder of a child and the critical injury of a mother during routine errands have left our community reeling. Our hearts go out to the family affected by this senseless act. In their honor, we share these essential tips on situational awareness that could potentially save lives.

Everyday activities often make us complacent, believing that public spaces are inherently safe. However, we live in a world where individuals are often absorbed in their own affairs, forgetting the age-old lesson that we are our brother’s keeper. This principle is about stepping in to help others in need, a lesson that seems lost amid today’s culture of “mind your own business.”

Despite policies like zero tolerance for bullying, societal trends show increasing lawlessness and a reduction in law enforcement support, making it imperative for citizens to be aware of their surroundings. Here are five key practices to enhance your situational awareness and safety:

1. Pay Attention to Your Task

Put down your cell phone and remove your earbuds. Distraction is a leading cause of accidents, whether driving, walking, or in other daily activities. Crimes like human abduction, carjacking, rape, and robbery often occur because victims are not attentive to their surroundings. Lock your car doors immediately upon entering and prepare to move. If you need to text, find a safe, open area where you can observe your surroundings from all directions.

2. Constantly Evaluate Your Surroundings

Your environment changes rapidly. People come and go, move about, and engage in various activities. While most of these are harmless, ignoring these changes can leave you vulnerable to someone with malicious intent. Stay vigilant and aware of who and what is around you at all times.

3. Use Common Items for Protection

Be creative and resourceful with everyday items to defend yourself if needed. Purses, shopping bags, keys, shopping carts, and even screaming can create distance and time between you and a potential attacker. Knowing how to use these items effectively can be crucial in an emergency.

4. Turn Down the Noise

Avoid traveling with earbuds or headphones that block out surrounding sounds, especially when alone. Lower the volume or remove them entirely to remain aware of what is happening around you. This simple step can significantly increase your situational awareness and reaction time.

5. Utilize the Buddy System

Whenever possible, do errands and shopping with a companion. If you must go alone, inform family or friends of your plans, whereabouts, and expected duration. Enable phone GPS tracking for your safety and ask for assistance from store staff, especially when handling groceries with small children. Many stores are now more vigilant about parking lot security.

For more information on how to protect yourself and refuse to be a victim, contact Cleveland Corporate Protection Services at 216-307-1870. Stay safe, stay aware, and remember—we are all our brother’s keeper.