On-Premise K-9
Firearm Detection
Our K-9 firearm & incendiaries detection unit is a highly trained team of dogs and handlers who work in conjunction with metal detectors and gun detection equipment to provide a comprehensive security solution. Our dogs are specifically trained to detect the scent of firearms and ammunition, making them highly effective in detecting weapons in a variety of settings.
Our K-9 firearm & incendiaries detection unit are trained to detect the most common firearm and bomb making materials. It is a non-intrusive solution that allows you to detect weapons without disrupting the flow of your business or event. Our dogs and handlers can sweep an area quickly and efficiently, providing you with the information you need to keep your customers and employees safe.
If you are looking for a reliable, effective, and non-intrusive way to detect weapons in your business, agency, or event center, our K-9 firearm detection unit is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your business, agency, or event center safe and secure.
Illegal conveyance of firearms into public spaces has become an increasingly concerning experience for all of us. The shear numbers of illegal weapons on our streets and the declining mental state of many who have access to these weapons, even more concerning. Whether you’re a manufacturing facility, shopping mall, school, church, bank, corporate offices, auto dealership or sporting venue, the threat of firearms is real. Unfortunately, despite the investments made by many of these organizations in electronic firearms detection measures, we still see firearms appearing in highly secured areas. Many of these weapons are in the hands of children and adolescents who do not have the mental maturity to possess guns, nor the understanding of the ramifications of using them on others. Despite the millions being spent on crisis awareness training, violence remediation, and drug/gang awareness, non-intrusive alternatives need to be implemented to keep the weapons out of restricted environments.
Our K-9 units and handlers are especially trained to detect and alert additional staff to the presence of a firearm in a non-intrusive manner. Our officers and K-9’s will not aggressively interact directly with a subject when a firearm has been detected. Our units will observe and report pertinent information to additional takedown/search officers to affect a safe and secure recovery of the weapon for all individuals in the area. Our K-9 units are not trained on multiple disciplines and are not trained for pursuit, tracking, defense, or attack. Our philosophy is, in the right environments our units are extremely successful in detecting individuals who have firearms in a restricted area and can help our clients to deter employees, student, and patrons from conveyance.